Hejsan allihopa!
Jag har vart bortrest de senaste 4 dagarna, Danmark was the destination. Det var riktigt roligt, men jag berättar mer i ett senare inlägg!
Sååå, nu till meningen med detta inlägg:
Jag var inne på youtube och kollade på lite olika videos när jag kom över denna underbara video. Please take your time to watch it!
Well, what can I say? They make me smile!
// Ruta
Hejsan allihopa!
Nu tänkte jag, som jag lovade er förut skriva om:
"Vad Ruta vill ha i sommar: Klänningar"
Top Shop
Lauren Conrad for Kohl's
Källa: www.topshop.com www.hm.com/se www.kohls.com/laurenconrad
Det var det! Hoppas ni gillar dom lika mycket som jag! Måste nog köpa en av dessa till i sommar... Vilken tycker ni? Kommentera!
Ha det bäst!
Hejsan allihopa!
"Vad Ruta vill ha i sommar: Toppar"
Top Shop
Lauren Conrad for Kohl's
Källa: www.topshop.com www.hm.com/se www.kohls.com/laurenconrad
Japp, det var det. Fortsätt kolla på bloggen, snart kommer "Vad Ruta vill ha i sommar: Klänningar"!
Ha det bäst!
Examiner + Nina Dobrev = Spännande intervju
Examiner har nu gjort en ny intervju med Nina Dobrev. Minst sagt spännande, tycker jag. Här kommer den! Läs den, det är det värt!
Currently, what is your favorite book?
I’m reading a couple of things right now. There’s a book called Wherever You Go, There You Are, and I also re-read The Perks of Being a Wallflower for my role in the movie.
Had you met your Wallflower co-star Emma Watson before?
No, I’ve actually never met her. I know Logan [Lerman], he’s a friend of mine. I’m very excited to work with everyone.
How do you choose your projects? What goes through your mind when scripts come across your desk?
Its one of those things where…I try to stay away from anything I’ve played before, so I’d prefer not to do anything vampire related for supernatural. [laughs] At the same time, we’re reading scripts looking for good material surrounded by good casts, directors. I really want to be associated with great projects and character driven projects and films. I have to feed my soul, and keep feeling like an artist and keep being challenged. That’s one of the things now, it’s a very interesting experience after two years on the show, even with the two characters, and I’m getting into a routine. I don’t want to get comfortable or into a pattern, I want to continue to be challenged. I really love what I do, so I have to give it my all.
You’ve been all around the world, dolphin swimming and all. Are there still any places you’d like to go and experience?
Oh yeah, there’s so many places. I’d love to go to Asia. I was supposed to be in Japan right now. We had a trip planned, but when the tsunami happened, everything changed. It was the first time that I had a personal connection to a disaster like this because up until now, I’d never had anything hit me so close to home and when you’re supposed to go somewhere and then you look at these peoples lives that are effected by it, it’s heartbreaking and it’s really sad.
How was your first Coachella experience?
It was amazing. It’s really great to be in that kind of environment when everyone is brought together by one passion and one love of music, and great bands and artists. My favorite part was the headlining band, Arcade Fire, I’m Canadian and they’re Canadian. They are such a great band, they are so great live.
What is your favorite current nail polish color?
Corally, pinky colors. It’s fun and flirty. I don’t get to wear nail polish all year long when I’m on the show because of continuity they don’t let me do it. So now that I’m on hiatus I get to play with all of these funky, crazy colors. My attention span and my fads change so quick, but for now its coral. [laughs]
You’re in great shape. Is there a certain diet you keep?
Its one of those things where, and Candice Accola told me this, and I think she stole it from someone too, but I wouldn’t say diet, because die is in that word and its very negative. I call it limit. It’s basically a pact that you make with yourself to try and be healthy because it translates to your happiness and your wellbeing and your mood. My whole mentality is that I eat what I want within moderation and I have a little bit of everything. If you deprive yourself you get moody and unhappy and you have to enjoy life. Part of life and part of the enjoyment of life is a croissant and a chocolate cake and eggs and milkshakes and oatmeal. There’s so many things, you have to learn to appreciate it all. When I don’t eat as much as I should I’m not fun to be around, I’m fussy.
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Lately it’s been croissants. The place near my house has amazing croissants and I tend to pop in a little too often. [laughs]
What was it like filming The Killing Games alongside Kellan Lutz?
I just did ADR, and they’re just finishing the visual effects. Hopefully it will come out soon. I haven’t seen it, but it was fun. It was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and it was really hot. I only had two days on it, it was a quick in and out kind of thing, but an important role. I’m looking forward to seeing it. Kellan [Lutz] is great, he’s awesome. He’s a goofball.
What are five things that we don’t know about you?
I’ll tell you one thing you don’t know about me, and it’s that there are more than five that you don’t know about me. Hopefully many, many more. I like to keep some things to myself, because its called a private life, not public. [laughs] I can’t think of anything off of the top of my head right now. Definitely that there’s a different side of me…everyone puts their best foot forward but there’s a lot of things we keep personal that are behind the scenes.
Where has Elena’s necklace been during the last few episodes?
It’s on Katherine. I think it was my fault. I pestered Kevin and Julie too much; it was one of those things. It’s like wearing jeans. It gets redundant and I was like “ok when are we going to loose this necklace? Get a new one! Why can’t I have a cool ring or a heart shaped necklace?” [laughs]
Would you describe the finale as OMG or OMFG, or more than that?
OMG is shocking, and OMFG is when something scandalous happens. I think its more OMG. Nobody is getting naked as far as I can remember. There might be a little bit of….you’ll have to tune in to watch. It’s going to be a sad end of the season, I can tell you that one of my characters spend a lot of scenes crying, and the audience will be crying as well. Something big and bad is coming up.
What kind of vampire would Elena make?
A very conflicted one. I feel like she would be the female version of Stefan because lately she’s been so brooding and worried. She hasn’t had a light thing happen in her life and want to take her to the carnival and show her a good time. The poor girl hasn’t had anything good happen. She would be conflicted because obviously have the natural urges to kill people, but she wouldn’t want to. She’d want to protect everyone. I think it would be too soon if it happens, we still have a couple of years ahead of us.
Would you ever go back to Degrassi or guest star on Glee?
I don’t think it’s a matter of if I would; it’s a matter of being able to physically do it, because the show takes up so much of my time. We shoot 10 months out of the year and have 2 months off during which I want to try something new, and do something I haven’t done before; a change of pace. We have the same shooting schedule as Glee, so they’re off when we’re off. I want to focus on movies.
Källa: http://ninadobrevdaily.blogg.se/
Amazing, eller hur? Bloggen ovanför som jag länkat till är underbar! Ta er tid att besöka den!
Vart tog jag vägen?
Det första jag kommer bjuda på är den underbara Nina Dobrevs omslag på Teen Vogue! Here it comes!
För er som även vill läsa vad dom skrev om henne + intervju kommer den här:
Let's just get this comparison out of the way: Nina Dobrev is the anti-Bella. Coming to greet me on the Atlanta set of The Vampire Diaries—the CW's take on pop culture's trendiest figures of folklore—she's unguarded and unself-conscious, all smiles and hugs. Her trailer vibes of a teenager's bedroom: Fashion magazines, stuffed animals, and shoeboxes fill floor space and various corners. There's a half-drunk bottle of kombucha on the desk, a corkboard of photos of cast-mates and friends, and notes to herself scrawled on a chalkboard-painted wall ("pay bills," reads one).
Then, suddenly: "Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed." Our eyes land on a cheesy male pinup calendar hanging near the door. She runs to it immediately, nervously tearing it from the wall. "For my twenty-first birthday! It was a joke gift! Please don't judge!"
As in her day job playing dueling roles as responsible high-schooler Elena and centuries-old vampire Katherine, Nina, 22, hovers somewhere between distracted teenager and fully realized adult. First purchases for her new condo, for example, included a fondue set and a popcorn maker, while her mattress is still on the floor. In very vampiric fashion, she doesn't get much sleep. "By the time I get home, memorize the next day's work, brush my teeth, remove all the makeup, and shower to get the blood off . . ." she says, counting on her fingers. "And then I have to be back at work in seven hours. I can only do so much."
Just when you thought the genre had reached saturation point, The Vampire Diaries came along and quickly settled in as one of the CW's best-rated dramas. There's the supernaturally photogenic cast, sure, which includes Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder as bloodsucking brothers Stefan and Damon, respectively. But viewers also relate to TVD's subtle commentary on the idea that life is more complicated than just good versus evil. Nearly every character—from the overextended cheerleader who turns vampire to the angry jock whose inner werewolf awakens his sensitive side—is both flawed and redeemable. As the good girl pursued by both protective, loving Stefan and spontaneous, passionate Damon, Elena tries to do the right thing. But even she has a dark side in the form of Katherine, her stiletto-wearing vampire twin hell-bent on manipulating Elena and everyone she loves to get what she wants.
"When I signed on to the show, I didn't know whether I'd be playing both girls," says Nina, who tends to identify with Elena but has more fun with Katherine. "And while it's been cool, it's also exhausting because it's double the work. You invest so much of your heart and soul and energy into making even one character. It's like doing two movies at once."
Not that she's complaining. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, but raised in Toronto, Nina landed her big break just out of high school in 2006 as teen mom Mia in Degrassi: The Next Generation and describes herself as your typical overachiever. "I wanted to be the jock, and I wanted to be a dancer and actress," she says of her time at a competitive performing-arts high school in Toronto. "I was also a gymnast and very academically driven. I always had a lot on my plate and was really overwhelmed. Not much has changed—I'm constantly trying to one-up myself and raising the stakes." She stops and smiles, adding, "Ha! No pun intended."
På bilden ovan är Flynn ungefär en månad gammal
Källa: www.msn.se
Grattis Fergie!
Den vackra sångfågeln Fergie fyllde 36 år igår. På fäljande foton tycker jag att hon ser äldre ut än vad hon egentligen är, men hon kanske bara hade en dålig dag. Man kan ju inte se bra ut hela tiden!
Black Eyed Peas-sångerskan Stacy Ferguson, aka Fergie, firade sin födelsedag i fredags och så som så många andra kändisar visste hon att det enda stället att åldras i stil på är Las Vegas! Festen hölls på den berömda nattklubben Bank Nightclub på hotellet Bellagio Resort and Casino och hon bar en färgglad fransig body-con natten till ära. Eftersom hon valde att fira stort på fredag, så antar vi att hon kommer spendera idag tillsammans med sin familj, nära vänner och make för ett mer intimt firande. Hon behövde förmodligen ha lördagen mellan för att återhämta sig från allt vilt festande hon gjorde dagen före!
Källa, artikel och bild: www.msn.se
Hejsan allihopa!
However, nu så ska ni få lite bilder från en ny premiär. Filmen heter "Sucker Punch". Kolla in trailern nedan. Här kommer även bilder från premiären:
Filmens stjärna Emily Browning
Emma Roberts
Vanessa Hudgens
Och kvällens bäst klädda Malin Åkerman
Källa: www.posh24.se
Detta betyder alltså: Hejsan allihopa! Hur mår ni? Jag måste skriva på spanska.
Ahora voy a escribir sobre mi colección de primavera. En mi colección, hay ocho piezas, dos blusas, dos pantalones, dos pares de zapatos y dos bolsos.
En el dibujo que esta encima del texto hay una blusa blanca con flores, unos pantalones negros, unos zapatos negros y un bolso lila.
En el dibujo que esta encima del texto hay una blusa de color azul claro con detalles en rosa y verde, unos pantalones azul oscuro, unos zapatos rosa claro y un bolso marrón.
Bye bye!
Vad tycker ni om bilden? Kommentera nedan!
Elton Johns välgörenhetsgala
Okej, nu över till Elton Johns välgörenhetsgala:
Samtidigt som Oscarsgalan gick av stapeln i söndags samlades en lång rad andra stjärnor på Pacific Design Centre i Hollywood för den årliga Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party – och samlade ihop inte mindre än 4 miljoner dollar till välgörenhet för HIV och AIDS under kvällen.
På plats fanns bland annat Vanessa Hudgens, Dianna Agron, Ashley Tisdale och Jamie Foxx, som tillsammans med värdarna Sir Elton John och hans partner David Furnish först åt middag för att sedan titta på den livesända Oscarsgalan tillsammans.
Efteråt deltog festbesökarna i en auktion för välgörenhet och fick sedan se Florence + the Machine uppträda. Elton John intog senare scenen och sjöng två duetter med bandets sångerska Florence Welch.
David Furnish med självaste Sir Elton John
Serena Williams
Jamie Foxx
Chace Crawford
Vanessa Hudgens
Ashley Tisdale
Och kvällens bäst klädda var Diana Agron
Källa: www.msn.se
Som ni kanske såg så fanns det inte särskilt många kändisar på den galan eftersom de allra största gick på Oscarsgalan som ägde rum samtidigt, men av de som kom är dessa kändisar bland dom som var bäst klädda.
Det var allt för mig. Ha en trevlig helg, allihopa!
Veckans bäst klädda kändisar
Selena Gomez
Kim och Kourtney Kardashian
Jessica Alba
Nicole Kidman
Källa: www.posh24.se
Jessica Alba: "Jag väntar barn nummer två"
— Jag tänkte att jag skulle titta förbi och dela med mig av en spännande nyhet – Honor ska bli storasyster, skriver hon och syftar på 2-åriga dottern Honor Marie.
— Cash och jag är överlyckliga och ville dela med oss av nyheten direkt till er, så att ni inte hör om det någon annanstans. Jag uppskattade all kärlek och stöd som jag fick under min första graviditet och kommer att uppskatta den även den här gången. Ha en underbar dag, fortsätter Jessica.
Även Cash Warren har uttalat sig om graviditeten.
— Honor kommer att bli en jättebra storasyster. Tack för alla era härliga hälsningar, skriver han på Twitter.
Jessica Alba och Cash Warren har varit gifta sedan maj 2008. I juni samma år fick de sitt första barn.
Källa: www.msn.se www.hollybaby.com www.thevoguediaries.com
Vem bär den bäst?
Vem bär den bäst?
Vem bär den bäst? Kommentera nedan!
Källa: www.msn.se
Vem var snyggast på SAG-galan?
Kommentera nedan vem Du tycker såg bäst ut!
Mila Kunis i röd design från Alexander McQueen
Winona Ryder i en klänning från Alberta Ferretti
Claire Danes var uppklädd i Louis Vuitton
January Jones bar en klänning från Carolina Herrera
Julia Stiles
Tina Fey i design från Oscar de la Renta
Heather Morris
Källa: www.msn.se
Det bästa från Paris!
Alla klänningarna är från Elie Saab.
Källa: www.msn.se
Lite nytt
Nu vet man vem som har fått rollen som Renesmee Cullen och det är ingen mindre än Mackenzie Foy. Tjejen är född den 10 november 2000 och är en Amerikansk modell och skådespelerska. Här kommer några bilder:
Källa: www.4tnz.com www.celebshowbiz.com www.fanpop.com
Tycker ni att hon passar för rollen?
Vem bär den bäst?
Orlando Blom på promenad med bebisen
På söndagen tog Orlando Bloom med sin två veckor gamla son Flynn till Will Rogers State Park i Pacific Palisades i Los Angeles.
Den 34-årige skådespelaren bar pojken i sin famn och såg till att både pussa på och gosa med den nyfödde.Flynns mamma, fotomodellen Miranda Kerr, var inte med. Istället höll Mirandas mamma, Therese, Orlando och Flynn sällskap i parken.